
Please note that these books are for review only. They are not exclusively for beginners, although they can be used as a teaching tool. You can download the PDF or get the printed versions below. All materials on this site are the original copyrighted works of Nabi Blooms. They cannot be copied, sold, or used for profit.



Feelings that people experience in response to events or thoughts, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear.

Why We Use Them

We use emotions to express how we feel, understand others, and communicate effectively.

When to Use Them

We use emotions when we’re describing personal feelings, reacting to situations, or understanding others’ experiences.

Example Sentences

1. She feels happy today.

2. He was sad after watching the movie.

3. I am very excited about the trip.

4. They were angry about the news.

5. She felt scared during the storm.

6. He is nervous about the exam.

7. I am proud of your achievements.

8. She is anxious about the interview.

9. He felt lonely at the party.

10. I am grateful for your help.

Idioms Using Emotions

  1. "Happy as a lark" - Very happy and cheerful.

    "She was happy as a lark after hearing the good news about her promotion."

  2. "As cool as a cucumber" - Very calm and composed, especially in a difficult situation.

    "Despite the chaos around her, she remained as cool as a cucumber."

  3. "As proud as a peacock" - Very proud and pleased with oneself.

    "He walked in, as proud as a peacock, after winning the award."

List of Emotions

  • Love - Hate

  • Joy - Sadness

  • Happiness - Misery

  • Excitement - Boredom

  • Hope - Despair

  • Gratitude - Ingratitude

  • Satisfaction - Dissatisfaction

  • Pride - Shame

  • Confidence - Insecurity

  • Courage - Fear

  • Trust - Distrust

  • Relief - Anxiety

  • Contentment - Restlessness

  • Peace - Conflict

  • Euphoria - Depression

  • Fulfillment - Emptiness

  • Enthusiasm - Apathy

  • Compassion - Indifference

  • Empathy - Callousness

  • Friendliness - Hostility

  • Amusement - Seriousness

  • Gladness - Sorrow

  • Cheerfulness - Gloom

  • Ecstasy - Agony

  • Delight - Displeasure

  • Elation - Melancholy

  • Exhilaration - Dejection

  • Vitality - Lethargy

  • Zeal - Apathy

  • Anticipation - Indifference

  • Serenity - Turmoil

  • Tranquility - Disturbance

  • Bliss - Torment

  • Jubilation - Dismay

  • Thrill - Monotony

  • Loyalty - Betrayal

  • Affection - Disgust

  • Warmth - Coldness

  • Tenderness - Harshness

  • Calm - Frustration

  • Peacefulness - Agitation

  • Tranquilness - Unease

  • Fascination - Aversion

  • Interest - Apathy

  • Amazement - Nonchalance

  • Wonder - Indifference

  • Awe - Disinterest

  • Admiration - Contempt

  • Pleasure - Displeasure

  • Exhilaration - Weariness


All videos, recordings, and associated materials are on my YouTube and Instagram channels. Although my material is family-appropriate, please note that social media sites may have ads or content not controlled by English w/ Nabi. Therefore, adult supervision is strongly encouraged when children are viewing any internet site.

NOTE: The printed version is not currently available. Please fill out the form at “LET ME KNOW “, if you would like to be informed when it becomes available.

English w/ Nabi

Hello, I'm Nabi Blooms—a writer, illustrator, and English tutor with a simple goal: to help people improve their English skills one step at a time. My approach revolves around creating straightforward yet effective books that teach various concepts in a user-friendly manner.

I have a genuine love for helping others, and my tutoring style reflects this. I focus on honing one skill at a time to make the learning process manageable and enjoyable. Through my writing and illustrations, I aim to bring clarity to language learning, making it accessible to everyone.

My passion lies in assisting those learning English to sound more natural. I understand the challenges of mastering a new language, and I'm here to guide and support individuals on their linguistic journey. Whether it's through the pages of a book or in a tutoring session, I'm dedicated to making the process of learning English as seamless and enriching as possible.



