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Alphabet Lowercase Letters

Lowercase letters are the smaller forms of each letter and are generally used more frequently in sentences.

When We Use Them:

  • Within Sentences: For all words except proper nouns and the first word in a sentence.

  • Common Nouns: Names of general items (e.g., "book," "school," "cat").

  • After the First Word: Except in titles, lowercase is used after the initial capitalized word in sentences.

Why We Use Them:

  • To Keep Text Readable: Lowercase letters help create smoother, more readable sentences.

  • To Follow Conventions: In English, lowercase letters are the norm for non-specific words, making writing clear and simple.


  1. My brother lives in New York City.

  2. She reads a book every night.

  3. The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

  4. He works at NASA.

  5. I went to the library on Saturday.

  6. Our teacher gave us a new project.

  7. Mr. Smith is our science teacher.

  8. Canada is a country in North America.

  9. Tomorrow is our anniversary.

  10. My friend loves Italian food.