Taking time to think is important. It helps me solve problems and make good choices. When I think carefully, I understand things better. I take a deep breath before making a decision. Thinking gives me time to plan my next steps. It helps me stay calm and focused. Sometimes, I think about happy memories. Other times, I think about my goals and dreams. Taking time to think helps me learn from my mistakes. It helps me grow and improve every day. Thinking is a powerful way to understand myself and the world around me.

Individual Sentences

  1. Taking time to think is important.
    Pattern: V-ing O + Inf Phrase + Aux + Adj

  2. It helps me solve problems and make good choices.
    Pattern: S + V + O + V + O + Conj + V + Adj O

  3. When I think carefully, I understand things better.
    Pattern: Adv Clause + S + V + O + Adv

  4. I take a deep breath before making a decision.
    Pattern: S + V + Det Adj O + Prep Phrase + V-ing Det O

  5. Thinking gives me time to plan my next steps.
    Pattern: V-ing + V + O + Inf Phrase + Poss Adj Adj O

  6. It helps me stay calm and focused.
    Pattern: S + V + O + V + Adj + Conj + Adj

  7. Sometimes, I think about happy memories.
    Pattern: Adv + S + V + Prep Phrase + Adj O

  8. Other times, I think about my goals and dreams.
    Pattern: Adv + S + V + Prep Phrase + Poss Adj O + Conj + O

  9. Taking time to think helps me learn from my mistakes.
    Pattern: V-ing O + V + O + V + Prep Phrase + Poss Adj O

  10. It helps me grow and improve every day.
    Pattern: S + V + O + V + Conj + V + Adv O

  11. Thinking is a powerful way to understand myself and the world around me.
    Pattern: V-ing + Aux + Det Adj O + Inf Phrase + O + Conj + Det O + Prep Phrase + O

Who Are You Talking To?

Just an example of how this phrase would be said in different environments:
Phrase: "Why is it important to take time to think?"

  1. Casual: "Hey, why do you think it’s good to take time to think?"

  2. Intimate: "Sweetie, why do you think thinking carefully is important?"

  3. Formal: "May I ask why taking time to think is essential?"

  4. Business: "Could you explain the value of thinking carefully before making decisions?"

  5. Writing: "Please describe why it is important to take time to think and how it helps."

Key Vocabulary

To help you recall the words faster, draw a picture, create a sentence, or a story for each word.

  1. Think – To use your mind to solve, plan, or decide.

  2. Decision – A choice you make after thinking.

  3. Calm – Feeling peaceful and in control.

  4. Improve – To make something better.

  5. Powerful – Very strong or effective.

Comprehension Questions

Refer back to the story if you need to answer the following questions.

  1. Why is taking time to think important?
    Sentence: ________________.

  2. What do I do before making a decision?
    Sentence: ________________.

  3. What does thinking help me stay?
    Sentence: ________________.

  4. What do I sometimes think about?
    Sentence: ________________.

  5. How does thinking help me every day?
    Sentence: ________________.


  1. It helps me solve problems and make good choices.

  2. I take a deep breath.

  3. Calm and focused.

  4. Happy memories or my goals and dreams.

  5. It helps me grow and improve.

Speaking Activity

Practice placing stress on the bolded words to change the message of the sentence.

  1. Taking time to think is important. (Emphasizes the action)

  2. It helps me solve problems and make good choices. (Emphasizes the benefit)

  3. Thinking gives me time to plan my next steps. (Emphasizes preparation)

  4. Sometimes, I think about happy memories. (Emphasizes what I think about)

  5. Thinking is a powerful way to understand myself and the world. (Emphasizes self-reflection)

Writing Activity

Unscramble the Sentences:

  1. Important / to / is / taking / think / time.
    Sentence: ________________.

  2. Solve / helps / problems / me / think / taking.
    Sentence: ________________.

  3. Deep / before / decision / breath / making / I / take / a / a.
    Sentence: ________________.

  4. Calm / stay / and / thinking / helps / me / focused.
    Sentence: ________________.

  5. Understand / myself / way / powerful / is / thinking / a / to.
    Sentence: ________________.


  1. Taking time to think is important.

  2. Taking time to think helps me solve problems.

  3. I take a deep breath before making a decision.

  4. Thinking helps me stay calm and focused.

  5. Thinking is a powerful way to understand myself.

Create Activity

Follow the sentence pattern and build sentences with the following words:

Words To Use: think, decision, calm, improve, powerful

  1. S + V + O.
    Sentence: ________________.

  2. S + V + Adj + O.
    Sentence: ________________.

  3. S + V + O + Prep Phrase.
    Sentence: ________________.

  4. S + V + O + Adv.
    Sentence: ________________.

  5. S + Aux + V + Adj.
    Sentence: ________________.


  1. I think carefully.

  2. A decision is important.

  3. I stay calm under pressure.

  4. She improved her skills quickly.

  5. Thinking is powerful.

Grammar Activities

Multiple-Choice Questions:

  1. Why is taking time to think important?
    a) Because it helps me stay calm.
    b) Because it makes me tired.
    c) Because it is boring.

  2. What do I do before making a decision?
    a) Take a deep breath
    b) Write a story
    c) Call a friend

  3. What does thinking help me stay?
    a) Tired
    b) Calm and focused
    c) Excited

  4. What do I sometimes think about?
    a) My happy memories
    b) My homework
    c) My pets

  5. How does thinking help me every day?
    a) It helps me grow and improve.
    b) It makes me sleepy.
    c) It stops me from working.


  1. a) Because it helps me stay calm.

  2. a) Take a deep breath

  3. b) Calm and focused

  4. a) My happy memories

  5. a) It helps me grow and improve.

Natural Dialogue

Me: Do you think it’s important to take time to think?
Friend: Yes, it helps me make better decisions.
Me: What do you think about when you have free time?
Friend: I think about my goals and dreams.
Me: Why is thinking important to you?
Friend: It helps me solve problems and understand myself!