How to Break Through Creative Blocks

Creative blocks can happen to anyone, whether you're an artist, writer, or musician, and they can feel frustrating and limiting. Breaking through a creative block requires patience, persistence, and a shift in perspective. One effective strategy is to embrace a routine of creating daily, even if it’s just for a short time, as this helps keep the creative muscle active. Sometimes, the pressure to produce something perfect can contribute to the block, so allowing yourself to make mistakes or create work with no expectations can free up your creativity. Another approach is changing your environment or seeking new experiences to gain fresh perspectives.

For example, taking a walk outside, visiting a museum, or reading a book that’s outside your usual genre can expose your mind to new ideas and trigger creativity. Collaborating with others or sharing work for feedback can also bring new energy and enthusiasm to your process. Creative exercises like drawing without looking at your paper, writing stream-of-consciousness thoughts, or even switching to a different medium for a while can shift your focus and help you regain momentum. While a creative block may seem like a setback, viewing it as a natural part of the creative process, rather than an obstacle, can reduce its power over you. By adopting strategies for overcoming these blocks, you can develop a more resilient mindset toward creativity and find yourself moving past barriers more easily in the future.


Summarize the reading in your own words or use the questions to help you explain the main points.

  1. What causes creative blocks, and how can they be overcome?

  2. How do changing environments and new experiences help trigger creativity?

  3. Why is it important to reduce the pressure of perfection when trying to break through a creative block?

Your Summary: ________________________


Say this sentence in fewer words:
“Embracing daily creative practices, reducing the pressure to be perfect, and seeking new experiences can help break through creative blocks.”

Your Sentence: ________________________


Creative muscle – The mental skill of being consistently imaginative or innovative.
Example: “Regular practice helps strengthen your creative muscle.”
Your Sentence: ________________________


Stream of consciousness – A method of writing that focuses on expressing thoughts as they occur, without editing.
Example: “Writing in stream of consciousness helped her clear her mind before starting the novel.”
Your Sentence: ________________________


Collaboration – Working with others to create or produce something.
Example: “Her collaboration with other artists brought fresh ideas to her paintings.”
Your Sentence: ________________________


Feedback – Information or advice given to improve or critique one’s work.
Example: “He welcomed feedback from his colleagues to refine the design.”
Your Sentence: ________________________


Momentum – The driving force that keeps progress moving forward.
Example: “A small victory can help you gain momentum in the project.”
Your Sentence: ________________________


  • How can changing your environment help break a creative block?

  • Respond with a quote from the reading.

Your Thoughts: ________________________