Finding Comfort in Everyday Weather
For years, I used to dread rainy days. The dark clouds, the cold air—it just made everything feel dreary. But over time, I began to appreciate the rain in a new way. I noticed that after a storm, the air felt fresher, the earth smelled cleaner, and the world seemed quieter. Now, I find peace in the rhythm of the rain and the way it connects me to nature.
I’ve also learned to embrace sunny days more fully. I used to take them for granted, but now I use them as a reminder to slow down and appreciate the warmth on my skin. Weather has a unique way of shaping our mood and daily routines. It’s easy to focus on the discomfort that weather can bring, but I’ve come to realize that each type of weather brings its own form of comfort, if we just take the time to notice. Whether it’s the calming sound of rain or the energizing heat of the sun, weather teaches us to adapt and find contentment in the present moment.
Summarize the reading in your own words or use the questions to help you explain the main points.
How did the author feel about rainy days in the past?
How has the author’s perspective on weather changed over time?
What does the author believe we can learn from weather?
Your Summary: _____________________________
Say this sentence in fewer words.
Look at this sentence: "Whether it’s the calming sound of rain or the energizing heat of the sun, weather teaches us to adapt and find contentment in the present moment."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
Dread – To feel afraid or anxious about something.
Example: "She dreads having to speak in front of large audiences."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
Dreary – Depressing or bleak in appearance or atmosphere.
Example: "The dreary weather made me feel tired and unmotivated."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
Embrace – To accept something willingly and enthusiastically.
Example: "He embraced the challenge of learning a new language."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
Adapt – To adjust to new conditions or surroundings.
Example: "The team had to adapt to a new strategy after the change in leadership."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
Contentment – A state of being happy and satisfied.
Example: "He found contentment in his quiet life after retiring."
Your Sentence: _____________________________
What did the author learn to appreciate about sunny days?
Respond with a quote from the reading.
Your Thoughts: _____________________________