English w/ Nabi

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Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs are verbs combined with a preposition or adverb (or both) that create a meaning different from the original verb.


Why we use them

Phrasal verbs are used to convey more specific meanings and are common in informal English. They add more detail to whatever you are speaking about.

When to use them

Use phrasal verbs in everyday conversations, informal writing, and to add variety to your language to expressing how you feel about something, what you did with something or how something happened.



Phrasal Verbs are made up of:

  1. Verb + Adverb

  2. Verb + Preposition

  3. Verb + Adverb + Preposition

Example sentences

  • She finally decided to stop smoking forever.

    She gave up smoking.

  • While doing something else, he saw an old friend and started talking to them.

    He ran into an old friend.

  • They stayed with baby and took care of it while the parents were gone.

    They looked after the baby.

  • She tried not to cry but she could not control her emotions and started to cry uncontrollably.

    She broke down in tears.

  • He decided not to have the meeting and set it for a later date.

  • He decided not to attend the meeting and purposely decided to ignore it and did something else.

    He put off the meeting.

  • They did all the legal things required to open a new business.

    They set up a new business.

  • She did not accept the offer.

  • She said no to the offer.

  • She decided not to accept the offer.

    She turned down the offer.

  • He was excited that the time for him to be on vacation had come.

  • He made plans for his vacation and waited eagerly for the date of the vacation to arrive.

    He looked forward to the vacation.

  • They heard the truth about what really happened.

  • They were told about what really happened.

  • They saw for themselves what really happened.

  • They read about the truth of what happen.

    They found out the truth.

  • She was looking through the book and found a rare one.

  • She was searching for something and saw a rare book.

  • She was shopping and just happen to see a rare book.

    She came across a rare book.