English w/ Nabi

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Why we use them?

We use these words because they mimic natural sounds and are often used to create vivid imagery or to convey a particular sensory experience.

When to use them?

We use them when we are writing and want to have the reader imaging hear the sound of a door shutting, the soft whistle of a bird or the loud honking of a car’s horn. Onomatopoeia help to bring stories to life. Some words capture the attention and make the message more memorable.

Examples of Onomatopoeia

  • Buzz – The sound a bee makes.

  • Crash – The sound of something breaking or hitting something with force.

  • Sizzle – The sound of something frying in a pan.

  • Whisper – The soft sound of speaking very quietly.

  • Bang – A loud, sudden noise, like a gunshot or an explosion.

Example Sentences

  1. The buzz of the bee was constant in the garden.

  2. The dishes went crash as they fell from the shelf.

  3. The bacon started to sizzle as it cooked in the pan.

  4. The door creaked open slowly in the old house.

  5. The fireworks made a loud bang in the night sky.

  6. The cat made a soft purr as it curled up on the couch.

  7. The rain started to pat gently on the window.

  8. She heard the thud of footsteps approaching the door.

  9. The water in the pool made a gentle splash when he jumped in.

  10. The car's engine roared as it sped down the highway.

  11. The leaves rustled in the wind as we walked through the forest.

  12. The clock on the wall made a steady tick-tock sound.

  13. The dog let out a sharp bark when the mail carrier arrived.

  14. The thunder rumbled in the distance, signaling an approaching storm.

  15. The candy wrapper made a soft crinkle as she opened it.