
A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses.


Why we use them?

Conjunctions are used to link parts of a sentence together, showing relationships between different sections.


When to use them?

Use conjunctions to connect words, phrases, or clauses to form more complex sentences.


Example sentences

1. I like coffee, but I prefer tea.

2. She studied hard, so she passed the exam.

3. You can have cake or ice cream.

4. He is tall and strong.

5. I went to the store because we needed milk.

6. They stayed home since it was raining.

7. He didn’t go to the party, nor did he call his friends.

8. She will come if she finishes her work.

9. Although it was late, they kept talking.

10. I will go, whether you like it or not.


Types of Conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunctions: Connect words, phrases, or clauses of equal importance (e.g., and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet).

  • Subordinating Conjunctions: Connect a dependent clause to an independent clause (e.g., because, although, since, unless, while).

  • Correlative Conjunctions: Pairs of conjunctions that work together (e.g., either...or, neither...nor, both...and, not only...but also).

English w/ Nabi

Hello, I'm Nabi Blooms—a writer, illustrator, and English tutor with a simple goal: to help people improve their English skills one step at a time. My approach revolves around creating straightforward yet effective books that teach various concepts in a user-friendly manner.

I have a genuine love for helping others, and my tutoring style reflects this. I focus on honing one skill at a time to make the learning process manageable and enjoyable. Through my writing and illustrations, I aim to bring clarity to language learning, making it accessible to everyone.

My passion lies in assisting those learning English to sound more natural. I understand the challenges of mastering a new language, and I'm here to guide and support individuals on their linguistic journey. Whether it's through the pages of a book or in a tutoring session, I'm dedicated to making the process of learning English as seamless and enriching as possible.


