English w/ Nabi

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The form of an object, such as circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles.

Why We Use Them

We use shapes to identify and describe objects, teach geometry, and create art.

When to Use Them

We use shapes when we are discussing geometry, describing objects, or creating designs.

Example Sentences

1. The sun is a circle.

2. She drew a square on the paper.

3. We cut the sandwich into triangles.

4. The window is a rectangle.

5. He noticed the star shape in the sky.

6. The cake is in the shape of a heart.

7. They used circles and squares in their artwork.

8. The sign is shaped like a triangle.

9. She made a hexagon with sticks.

10. I was worried and walked in circles.

Idioms Using Shapes

  1. "Back to square one" - To start over from the beginning, usually after a failure or setback.

    "After the project failed, they had to go back to square one and rethink their strategy."

  2. "Run circles around" - To outperform or be much better at something than someone else.

    "The young chess prodigy could run circles around the experienced players at the club."

  3. "Go around in circles" - To do something in a repetitive or ineffective way without making any progress.

    "We've been going around in circles in this meeting and still haven't made a decision."