English w/ Nabi

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The property of objects that is perceived based on the way they reflect light, such as red, blue, green, and yellow.

Why We Use Them

To describe and differentiate objects, create art, and communicate preferences.

When to Use Them

When describing appearances, making choices, or creating visual designs.

Example Sentences

1. The sky is blue.

2. She wore a red dress.

3. The grass is green.

4. He painted the house yellow.

5. The car is black.

6. She likes purple flowers.

7. The cat has white fur.

8. He has a brown dog.

9. The orange is orange in color.

10. She bought a pink notebook.

Idioms Using Colors

  1. "Feeling Blue" - Feeling sad or depressed.

    "She’s been feeling blue ever since her best friend moved away."

  2. "Green with Envy" - Very jealous.

    "He was green with envy when he saw his friend’s new car."

  3. "Caught Red-Handed" - Caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal.

    "The thief was caught red-handed by the police."

  • Primary Colors: These are fundamental colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors. They are Red, Blue, and Yellow.

  • Secondary Colors: These colors are created by mixing two primary colors together. They are Orange (Red + Yellow), Green (Blue + Yellow), and Purple (Red + Blue).

  • Tertiary Colors: These colors are created by mixing a primary color with a secondary color adjacent to it on the color wheel. For example, Teal (Blue + Green), Russet (Red + Purple), etc.

  • Other Colors: This category includes additional colors that are commonly recognized but do not fit into the primary, secondary, or tertiary categories