Post 006
Dialogue Reading: Choosing Dinner
A: “What do you feel like eating tonight?”
B: “I’m fine with anything. You can pick up anything.”
A: “How about sushi?”
B: “Anything but sushi.”
A: Fine. How about burgers?”
B: “Anything but burgers.“
A: Okay. How about italian?
B: Anything but italian.
A: “So… not anything.”
B: “Well, almost anything. I’ll go with you.”
A: “No. Just tell me what you would like to eat.”
B: “Pizza.”
A: “Pizza?”
B: “Pizza.”
A: “Pizza.”
B: “Pizza.”
PIE Section
P (Pronunciation)
Vocabulary in the text:
Idiom: Fine with anything
Phrasal Verbs: Pick up, Go with
Homonyms: Fine (okay) / Fine (a penalty).
Tip: Focus on the sarcastic tone of “not anything.”
I (Intonation)
Stress these words to capture the humor in the dialogue:
anything, sushi, just
E (Expression)
Yes, this reading should be expressive to convey humor and playful and frustrated tones.