English w/ Nabi

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Given The Chance


If the situation were perfect for me and I had everything that I needed, then I could do anything that I would like to do.


When to Use it:

Use this phrase when you want to do something that you would really like to do, but you do not have the circumstances or the things you would need to do it. And most likely, you’ll never have the opportunity to do it.

How to use:

  • Given the chance, I would travel around the world.

      - If I had lots of money and time, I would be traveling around the world.

  • He would be a great principal if given the chance.

      - If the position of principal were available and he filled the qualifications, could interview and was hired, he would be a great person to have in that position.

  • Given the chance, she would do it all over again.

      - If she had the same set of circumstances as before, she would make the same decision.